In a parallel thread some altium users asked about the possibility to very easy and simply draw a polygone and extrude this to get a 3D-model for a footprint in less than a minute. Sadly this feature is currently waiting for implementation, upvoting these two gitlab issues may help: Support importing extruded 3D models from Altium PCB (#15058) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab
and especially Generate simple 3D models inside KiCad / support extruded outlines and footprint height property (#3453) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab
As long as this is not natively implemented but the user has a little bit imagination and or flexibility to use the existing tools at hand the following method provides a similar result with also very few knowledge in 3D design:
- draw a simple 3D-cube with 1x1x1mm dimension (any 3D-cad programm allowed) and save as step file
- draw the second often needed geometric shape: a simple 3D-cylinder with 1mm diameter and 1mm length and also save as step file
- place both 3d model files somewhere in your generic kicad 3d-model directory (and remeber the path)
- if you now want to design a new footprint and can’t get the original 3D-step file from the manufacturer (because of xxx-reason, or a very confidential agreement, or simply the internet connection is failing), then:
- open the footprint properties dialog
- open the panel for 3D-data
- point the 3D-model path to the generic 3d-model (either the cube or the cylinder)
- use the scale-values to get the desired size - either by just judging the picture (does the cube fit the silkscreen?) or by using the dimension numbers from the datasheet.
The picture + project below shows the achievable result. This method is as fast as the altium method, albeit not as comfortable.
project: (327.2 KB)
example picture:
additional note 1):
in the picture nr.3 the 3d-model points to a local path → the 3d model is placed as subfolder of the footprint itself.
advantage: copying/archiving the project includes the 3d model
disadvantage: the model can only reasonable be used with that footprint library - not reusable between different libraries.
additional note 2):
if you really can’t draw a 3D-cube/cylinder, use the model embedded in the example project
additional note 3): Thanks to some forum members who gave hints in the past regarding such a workflow.