KiCad deletes whole Schematic

What the hell. I start up KiCad and my whole Schematics are gone. Just empty. Nothing.

Please tell me what I can do.

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Maybe has something to do with the following: i shut down my pc yesterday, and before my pc closed Kicad, kicad asked me if i wanted to save. I said yes. Now everything is gone

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What OS? What version of Kicad. Have you manually checked the file system where the schematics should be?

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The schematic file is there. Its just empty.
It was a hirarchical schematic, and only the base schematic is empty. My sub schematic is still there


KiCad normally makes backups when saving files.
The first thing you should do is to zip the whole project and put that copy in a safe place (For example an USB stick or NAS) to ensure it can not get worse then it is now.

Then open a file browser and look for backups that KiCad probably made.
In KiCad V5 backups of schematics have the extension “.sch-bak”, and you can remove the “-bak” and kicad should recognise it as a normal schematic.

In KiCad-nightly V5.99 KiCad makes zipped archives of the whole project and puts them in a separate sub directory in your project tree.

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Found a backup. Still unpleasant. Should make a bugreport or something? Did not try if its reproducable yet …

Can you provide an info on your OS and KiCad version?

Windows 10 build 9200, KiCad (5.1.5)-3

If you need 3 requests to post something as simple as a version number, then you’re probably not the right person to make bug reports.

KiCad V5.1.5 is also over half a year old, and a lot of bugs have been fixed to get to the current KiCad V5.1.8. Making a bug report for such an old KiCad version is not useful, unless you can reproduce the bug in the current V5.1.8.

Best thing for you is probably to treat this as a reminder that shit happens sometimes, and the simplest counter measure is to make backups of all your personal data that you value to prevent you from becoming one of the folks that looses 10 years worth of photographs if a single HDD fails or your PC gets hijacked by malware and your stuff gets encrypted or one of the many other reasons that have been invented by Murphy.

But still, it’s a serious issue if it has something to do with KiCad. If you can reproduce this in KiCad V5.1.8 then posting the steps to reproduce here would be the first step to making a bug report.

How do you shut down your PC?
Using some physical button, by start menu > power > shut down?
Is it possible that you’ve just put your computer into sleep mode instead of shutdown and then some power down happened causing your PC to loose all it’s RAM data?
And indeed if you’d like to help finding repro scenario, it would be best to update to current revision which fixes many annoying bugs in 5.1.5.

The empty sch file would have been interesting. I had to rescue a user from my office whose sch file was the same size as the backup, but full of ascii "Null"s.
That was 5.1.6 on Windows.

Of course this was not repeatable, so I suspected the antivirus program had done something.

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