KiCad crashes often, dragging traces goes crazy

Kicad (7.0) crashes quite often without any real cause. Its unpredictable. Also when i try to drag a trace (D), at firast it often does not just drag the line, it breaks it and goes spastic, and the trace jumps to a complete different place. Also i think via´s sizes and spoke orientation changed on their own (i am not sure).

Could it be, that i have a corrupted file? Is there a way i could clean them?

It’s a little bit vague.
Perhaps you could give the KiCad version information from Help → About KiCad → Copy version info, maybe that gives some hint.

I think you have a corrupted something for sure ! “Spastic” is a term I haven’t heard for over 40 odd years, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest but it could well piss people off and isn’t needed here and certainly not in the title. Regarding your issues, I have never seen via’s and spokes changing willy nilly before, and in the last 5 years using Kicad I have experienced a crash maybe 3 times at the most and “unpredictable” is not how I would describe my experience so could it be your installation that is flaky ?


Giving the version and OS info might help. If it crashes often you can try raise a issue using Help / Report Bug. Is it specific to a certain project?

Depending on your OS there might be some crash info in the event logs/syslog which could prove useful to the developers.

Thread title censored, please mind your language on this site.
As V7 is rock solid for 99.9…% of users, my suspicion is an unstable computer, eg bad RAM

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Im sorry if the language barrier has aggetated some people. English is not my language.

I can exclude any errors coming from a bad RAM, as i only have this problem with Kicad.

Always worth making sure your video graphics drivers are up to date. KiCad stresses them.

Always post the KiCad version and OS details from Help - about KiCad - copy version info

Which 7.0?
At least one common crash was fixed in 7.0.10

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