Kicad-cli pcb export gerber vs gerbers

What is the difference between exporting gerber vs gerbers. I thought they were the same thing.
But the gerbers has 3 extra flags, as you can see below.

➜ kicad-cli pcb export gerber -h
input: 1 argument(s) expected. 0 provided.
Usage: gerber [-h] [--output VAR] [--layers VAR] [--exclude-refdes] [--exclude-value] [--include-border-title] [--no-x2] [--no-netlist] [--subtract-soldermask] [--disable-aperture-macros] [--use-drill-file-origin] [--precision VAR] [--no-protel-ext] input

Positional arguments:
  input                        	Input file 

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                   	shows help message and exits 
  -o, --output                 	Output file name [default: ""]
  -l, --layers                 	Comma separated list of untranslated layer names to include such as F.Cu,B.Cu [default: ""]
  --erd, --exclude-refdes      	Exclude the reference designator text 
  --ev, --exclude-value        	Exclude the value text 
  --ibt, --include-border-title	Include the border and title block 
  --no-x2                      	Do not use the extended X2 format 
  --no-netlist                 	Do not generate netlist attributes 
  --subtract-soldermask        	Subtract soldermask from silkscreen 
  --disable-aperture-macros    	Disable aperature macros 
  --use-drill-file-origin      	Use drill/place file origin 
  --precision                  	Precision of gerber coordinates, valid options: 5 or 6 [default: 6]
➜ kicad-cli pcb export gerbers -h
input: 1 argument(s) expected. 0 provided.
Usage: gerbers [-h] [--output VAR] [--layers VAR] [--exclude-refdes] [--exclude-value] [--include-border-title] [--no-x2] [--no-netlist] [--subtract-soldermask] [--disable-aperture-macros] [--use-drill-file-origin] [--precision VAR] [--no-protel-ext] [--common-layers VAR] [--board-plot-params] input

Positional arguments:
  input                        	Input file 

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                   	shows help message and exits 
  -o, --output                 	Output file name [default: ""]
  -l, --layers                 	Comma separated list of untranslated layer names to include such as F.Cu,B.Cu [default: ""]
  --erd, --exclude-refdes      	Exclude the reference designator text 
  --ev, --exclude-value        	Exclude the value text 
  --ibt, --include-border-title	Include the border and title block 
  --no-x2                      	Do not use the extended X2 format 
  --no-netlist                 	Do not generate netlist attributes 
  --subtract-soldermask        	Subtract soldermask from silkscreen 
  --disable-aperture-macros    	Disable aperature macros 
  --use-drill-file-origin      	Use drill/place file origin 
  --precision                  	Precision of gerber coordinates, valid options: 5 or 6 [default: 6]
  --no-protel-ext              	Use KiCad gerber file extension 
  --cl, --common-layers        	Layers to include on each plot, comma separated list of untranslated layer names to include such as F.Cu,B.Cu [default: ""]
  --board-plot-params          	Use the gerber plot settings already configured in the board file 

The gerbers option has these extra flags:

  --no-protel-ext               Use KiCad gerber file extension 
  --cl, --common-layers         Layers to include on each plot, comma separated list of untranslated layer names to include such as F.Cu,B.Cu [default: ""]
  --board-plot-params           Use the gerber plot settings already configured in the board file 

Extra questions

What is the input file?
Can it be more meaningful like KICAD_PCB or KICAD_PRO?
Actually, all the commands should accept both.

They are not. gerber exports all listed layers into one single file which can be defined with the --output flag. gerbers on the other hand creates a file for each listed layer, the folder where these are exported to is defined with the --output flag.

Simply said: gerber is for one layer export where you need a defined file name, gerbers for the export of all needed layers at once.

the input file must be the kicad_pcb. the cli tool can not process any other file type.

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