Hello everyone, I’m here to share my new KiCad BOM plugin which I think some of you will find useful.
So for the past few weeks I’ve been working on a JavaScript KiCad plugin that will generate BOM based on configurable template files. the Idea behind it is to make it easier for anyone to customise how the BOM is presented as well as allow the user to select the format. I also wanted to have to sort and group the component together so that it can be better presented.
The plugin works by replacing any of the shortcodes that it find on the template files with the associated data and then it combines everything into one file that it writes to. The components are sorted and grouped by component type. The components are also grouped a second time if the part values and fields data are the same.
At the moment, the plugin comes with two default templates that you can use to generate a HTML and/or CSV BOM. but you can always make your our.
Here the HTML version:
My drive to make this plugin came from my company’s need to generate different types of BOM’s based on our client, manufacture or product certifications requirements. For example, I have a ATEX template that will generate a HTML BOM which has a document number, assigned Engineer and manufactures note.
Here the plugin project page which has writting instructions for using and making your own templates:
Here’s the plugin repository:
Here’s the video showing you how to setup and use the plugin:
There’s till more features that I’m planning to add but for the mean time I wanting to get your feedback.
- Ron