@maui, I have been recently getting an error from Kicad Stepup:
Loading the the .emn file works just fine. But I am curious as to why I am getting this error when I try to load the .kicad_pcb file. I deleted everything on the edge cuts layer and re-drew my PCB outline but still no luck.
this error is generated when the script finds a non closed edge …
would you mind to post the board?
Only edge without components and net, if you prefer, would be fine; then I will try to check if there is a problem in the routine or in the edge
.emn comes from idf export routines that in some case will try to match vertexes
thank you for testing my kicad StepUp tools…
I will try fixing that. Although I deleted all the lines and just made one big circle and that also failed, which should fix this problem. I will post an update tonight when I get home from work.
the error was similar to kicad stepup message
and that is the closed edge board MotorDriverRev5b.kicad_pcb (46.1 KB)
Edit: I have to update the warning message to give a positive y value (to adjust the pcbnew convention)