KiCad 9.0 PCB does not show any components from schematic

So I updated to using KiCad 9.0 and when I open the project folder to open the schematic and then in schematic try to open the PCB editor, I cannot see my components. When I do click on the schematic and highlight certain components it shows the pins and connections but not the component.

Can’t upload my schematic since I’m a new user, but all components are there.

Did you have a search on the forum or read some of the recent posts ?

Haha could not find that post, still getting used to KiCad and forums :slight_smile:

Deleting PRL files did the trick :slight_smile:

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Wow, Shure helped me to … thanks for posting as my pcb diapered too…

I was designing a board this weekend and was doing the layout. I saved it and closed out of Kicad. I opened the project back up today and the footprints are gone. I’ve never had this problem until switching to version 9. The footprints must still exist but are “invisible” because the connections lines still exist.

Does anyone have a solution for this issue?

Is it this problem?

Yes! Thank you! I promise I searched, I just wasn’t searching for the right thing. Thanks again!