In one project I have a PCB. In another project I have a front panel, ready to be printed and glued to a sheet of aluminium.
How can I overlay the PCB on to the front panel, so I can verify my design?
In one project I have a PCB. In another project I have a front panel, ready to be printed and glued to a sheet of aluminium.
How can I overlay the PCB on to the front panel, so I can verify my design?
Export them both as STEP and overlay the STEP files in CAD software, e.g. FreeCAD,
or make one a footprint, add the STEP to the footprint and add this footprint to the other in KiCad, check the 3D view.
If you make a Model in FreeCAD (or, other) and add Screws/etc then, Export as STEP, you can Create/load it into a Footprint and place it into the PCB (as @RaptorUK indicated).
It’s no different than making a Box/Enclosure for the PCB
Thank you, I’'l give this a try.
Thank you for the images, I’ll give this a try.
FreeCAD has a nice Fastener-Workbench loaded with a variety of fastener hardware… You can Export them (such as Screws, Standoffs, Nuts, Washers…etc) and create a Footprint of them for individual usage…
If you want to stay within KiCad.
I’ve copied the board outline onto the “user drawing” layer. You can also then create markers for the other things (switches, leds etc) on the user layer. Then either export it as something like an SVG or simply plot it from Kicad.
Ir simply plot / print the board at 1:1. This is what I do for verification new footprints are correct.
This would be a great solution, but “Plot Format: SVG” doesn’t appear to be an option in KiCad 8.0.
“Plot Format: SVG” doesn’t appear to be an option in KiCad 8.0.
It does in my version 8.0.1:
You’re absolutely right. I wasn’t looking in the right place. Thank you.
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