KiCad 8: Request for global field name template for SYMBOL Editor

Hello KiCad Developers,

KiCad 7.0.10 “Global field name templates” from Preferences->Schematic Editor not passes to new symbol during creation.

There are only one native and right place for “Global field name templates” - Preferences->Symbol Editor. With this feature field names will be accessible from BOTH Symbol and Schematic Editor.

Probably this will be fixed in Version 8.

– Regards

While this is a coherent and conceivably reasonable request, this isn’t the correct place to post it if you want the developers to consider it in detail. Gitlab (where the source code is kept) has a list of issues that include formal feature requests.

I found an existing feature request that sounds like yours: Fields defined in Field Name Templates not usable in Symbol Editor (lp:#1824471) (#2382) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

If that is about right, consider giving that issue a “thumbs up” to show support (requires a free gitlab account). If that’s not quite right, you could add a comment to help clarify what you need. If it is totally unrelated, you can start a new feature request easily from in KiCad with About KiCad > Report a Bug (which opens a new Gitlab issue and fills out part of the template for you).

Thank you…
This was requested four (4!) year ago.
KiCAD programmers not make any changes… :clown_face:
The same story was about user-defined fonts and many other things
KiCad developers simply not pay any attention to user requests and care only about own functions and donates…

Take a look at my video and comments in this post

Result of placing the NULL symbol in the Template’s Schematic. After adding other parts to Schematic, the Fields remain in tact as desired and are usable/editable for All the Parts/Symbols even after deleting the NULL part.

An Example of my BOM’s Away before setting items to be ‘Hidden’. Shows many fields that I created - I don’t need them so, I hide them and comment out code…)

They were all part of the NULL symbol before not needing them…

Thank you.
Nice approach but I need something different.
I use ‘atomic’ symbol libraries and wish to keep all parameters with every symbols in library.
That is why I sure that globally defined user parameters for symbols must be in symbol (not schematic) editor preferences.

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