KiCad 8.0: How to import DXF while respecting dxf file coordinate system

Hi all,

In the past I was able to import DXF files and set their origin via the “Place at” dialog in PCBNEW. This way the files would get imported with it’s origin set to a specific location that correlated with my origin in MCAD. It seems like now when I import a DXF KiCad gets rid of the DXF file’s coordinate system and sets the origin on the upper left corner of the bounding box. This makes it a pain when importing multiple DXF’s on different layers for outlines and reference drawings.

Anyone have any suggestions?


GitLab issue: DXF Import with "Place at" option does not respect file coordinate system (#19389) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

Looks like this change was triggered by this issue: KiCAD 8.0 fails to import DXF files (#18523) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

Anyone have any suggestions?

I updated from 8.0.5 to 8.0.7 and noticed this change, rolling back to 8.0.5 fixed the issue for me. I couldn’t see any new settings or any related changes in the changelog, so maybe it’s a new bug?

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Hmm on 8/14/2024 a change was push to 8.0 to mess with DXF files it thinks are out of bounds. Potentially that isn’t working too well.

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Looks like this got fixed and should be getting rolled into 8.0.9

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