KiCad 8.0.7+ on MacOS 15 - Any issues?

I’ve been reluctant to upgrade from 14 to 15 because of potential problems, but there are some features in 15 that I want to try.
Does anyone have experience with KiCad on Sequoia? If it’s working, I’ll do the upgrade.

I have the most recent version of MacOS and the most recent version of KiCad - works for me

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Me too - no issues on an M1 MBP running 15.1 or on an older imac running Sequoia on OpenCore Patcher. I have 8.0.7 running without any problems and also have a nightly install running separately, again, no issues.

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I use macOS 15.2 for my KiCad development work; all seems fine.

We do sometimes find issues with new OS versions (on all platforms), but with macOS they tend to be on the major version increments. We’re well settled with macOS 15 for now.

Great, thanks.

(Plus more characters)

all good on M1 with Sequoia 15.2

All seems good here with 7x, 8x, 9x and Intel Core i7 and MacOS 15.2

Well, I just did the upgrade from 14 to 15.2, and KiCad seems to work (although I didn’t pressure-test it). My other critical piece of software (Simplicity Studio) failed (of course - it’s so freaking fragile), but I was able to fix it pretty quickly, so I think I’m OK.

Thanks for the feedback.

As of now if you identify a folder as dropbox on macOS it does not automatically make it local and you have to either double click it in the finder or select and right click on “make available”.

The files were 0 length, but why did it open the project in the first place is my question.

Very messed up!

I opened a project on dropbox that works on windows and got a library load error:

Expecting ‘(’ in ‘/Users/xxxxxx_NNE/enclosures/thin/100x60_pcb_mixer_1/sym-lib-table’, line 1, offset 1.

I took the defaults on install from dmg

Similar error on pcb.

Elsewhere I read that is file corruption. Hate to think that is a possibility

Did you mean to post on this thread?

I did, although I do also see why it might be regarded as off-topic. It throws an error that looks like a library compatibility issue and if you search for that error here it is elsewhere described as file corruption. Not everybody will know what to do; I had just run into a problem that shut me down running kicad in an ubuntu vm on parallels. Kicad couldn’t “see” the /media directory or links to it which is where my dropbox files that I need to work on are. I found out that is somehow a consequence of using flatpack to install kicad after I bombed out trying a more normal method.

That’s why I thought to try the native port. It hadn’t occurred to me that there was one. The three main OS flavors look and act differently with kicad and I actually really like the way it works on (ugh) windows 10 because I’m used to the ‘feel’.

When I started kicad on macOS the first time it asks me what to do about a library conversion issue and I take the default, then the first thing that happens when I open a schematic is a library issue.

Did I, a naive or first-time user, take the wrong option? Now I am not that naive but I’m also able to be fooled for a bit by an error popup that seems to directly repudiate a decision I just took moments before.

If I was a developer here I might think to change the error handling to flag a zero-length file rather than flagging the lack of an open parenthesis because there are clearly times when that might happen.

Just parenthetically, I have problems all the time using kicad on dropbox files due to synchronization issues, which is distinctly off topic, but the problem with dropbox plus macOS using kicad is apt to send people down rabbit holes. It did me.

Oh yeah, one more thing: dropbox sync has on one or two occasions caused me problems with a project. The problems manifested as…file corruption. So a zero-length file was not the first thing I thought of. Some of the programs supplied for macOS don’t really work as you would expect so when I used a text editor on the file and saw nothing I didn’t immediately think of a zero-length file either because macOS.

Throwing an error on the very first character of the file means the program hasn’t even had a chance to digest the file to determine compatibility or not.