Kicad 8.0.7 Image converter does not match the model

Hello all

I created an image file and saved it as .tif
But the image conversion process is not sharp, the resulting lines
are not straight, or did I set something wrong?

The result is not the same as the designed image.

this image file

on converter not good

i config

can fix ?

I had the best results when using ridiculously high source resolutions (something like 8k pixels wide or more) and setting the threshold to 0. But yes, it is quite annoying that I have to export a vector file as a pixel file, just to convert it back to a vector.

But if you want to place it in the PCB editor not the schematic editor (or in a symbol), you can just import an SVG, that is the best solution.

It is possible to import SVG/DXF directly to the footprint editor as well. Starting from 8.0, to schematic/symbol editors too.

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but not in the drawing sheet editor afaik. At least I was unable to import a SVG to a drawing sheet in KiCad 8

Are there any video tutorials or documents to read?

Here’s basically all the menus to import SVG/DXF in 8.0:

PCB editor:

Footprint editor:

Schematic editor:

Symbol editor:

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i try svg inkscarp

and photoshop

and import not work ?


no text

i miss some thing ?

Can you post it here?

OK i can try on

inkscap > need change font to path

Update i try on Inkscape is ok

good job ! easy

on photoshop is ok but not sure for easy

convert to shape

set export option

and import to foot print

Ok thank you

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