KiCad 7: Using Buses (video example)

In case it helps anyone, there is a short video about how to use buses in schematics here:


I am newbie, and for me it was very helpful. Thank you.

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Oh great, glad it helped! Thanks for the feedback : )
By the way, if you are also looking for a general beginner video, I created the one below in a similar style. It is titled Creating Circuit Boards with KiCad 6, but it is equally applicable for KiCad 7, since the user interface is near-identical across these two versions. It (hopefully) covers the entire process from schematic entry, through component symbol and footprint symbol creation, and PCB layout, ending with the final Gerber files, all in 50 minutes.

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You know what? You’re doin extremely great, and i am extremely thankful for your contribs.
I am an “LTspice-Migrant” - i used LTSpice for 10 Years now in the most odd and extreme ways - and i loved it, but there was one thing that bothered me:

Drawing Schematics “double” - one time in LTSp. one time in Target3001 (i am no newbie to PCBdesign).
Kicad unifies these processes, only, that i am not fully educated in “HOW EXACTLY”.
That’s where YOU come into play. Many many thanks. I mean: really. People like you encourage me to contribute here myself.

I really appreciate it (as soon as i got some sleep)

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