Is it possible to switch over from 7 to 8 in the middle of a project, IOW, will there be an import problem when working on an existing project in progress?
I’ve not encountered any issues going from v7 to v8, I suspect you are safe from actual corruption bugs. Just in case, consider saving a copy of the existing v7 project because you can’t reopen it in v7 after saving it in v8.
It should be safe, and I have not encountered any problems myself, but from what I read on this forum, there are some problems with plugins not (yet) working for V8.0, and some people have problems with their library setup (Disappearing libraries?)
I also have a strategy in place to make at least one backup per day when working on a project, and that should be the minimum for anyone. So I’d say make sure you have a backup and give it a try.
I made this change and so far there are no glitches or errors. But to be safe don’t forget to make a copy before switching, when you save the sch or pcb it will be v8
I made a copy of my libraries, but so far have not found a lucid (easy) explanation of moving the libraries into ver8?
You don’t move them, just tell V8 where they are . . .
For Kicad supplied libraries, use the “recommended” method with the installation, so you get the up to date Kicad Libraries.
For personal libraries, as @RaptorUK writes, tell Kicad where they are by installing them through “Preferences > Manage Symbol & Footprint Libraries”.
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