If you really need to exclude them you can do so with a custom DRC rule. But most people can just ignore it – either their board contains blind/buried and/or microvias or it doesn’t.
Hi @JeffYoung !
Thanks for the reply. I just want to keep some KiBot functionality. For KiCad v5/6 the PCB report could say if the user enabled burried/microvias. But I couldn’t find how to do it using v7. But @craftyjon explanation revealed the mistery. Right now I’m informing unknown for v7, but in the future I’ll add some PCB scan to detect if they are used.
@JeffYoung I’m setting up my first KiCad project and configuring it to use OshPark as my fab. I don’t know if it’s common in other fabs, but they do not support microvias or blind/buried vias (OSH Park Docs ~ KiCad ~ Design Rule Setup).
If this is a common limitation, then it does feel like it will be pretty common for users to want to set up these DRC rules.
As @craftyjon says, they aren’t accidentally created.
But if you need a warning about them you can try using KiBot
As KiCad 5 and 6 had options to disable them KiBot has an option for KiCad 7 and can generate a warning if violated, you just need to ask for a report of the project.