Kicad 7.99 new generate new bill of material fails to open

I builded kicad 8 from latest sources to test new features. So far everything else has worked (only short testing) except the new “generate new bill of material” command.
When I select “Tools/Generate Bill of Materials” with my schematics, it will just freeze the whole kicad. This has happened with all 4 different kicad 8 builds I have tried within last week. (Have not tested kicad 8 earier)

I could try to add some strace/debug to investigate more if somebody could suggest some good locations where to add those in the code?

Dialog for Legacy version opens just fine from menu “Tools/Legacy Generate bill of material”.

I am using Mageia Linux 9 for my testing.

Edited 8 → 7.99 otherwise people will be asking did I miss the new release announcement.

I would file a bug report if you are able to attach a reproducible project. I can’t reproduce this.

I did simply these steps

  1. opened kicad
  2. created new project
  3. open schematic editor
  4. added two resistors to schematics
  5. opened “tools/assign footprints” and added resistor 0603 footprints for both r1 and r2 symbols
  6. opened tools/generate bill of material
    → freeze

I can tomorrow try to build local build on my laptop instead of trying to run kicad 7.99 from the rpms on virtual machine. Do you know can kicad 7.10 and kicad 7.99 co-exist id they are installed on different directories? (Kicad user config files specifying the symbol, footprint and 3d files, etc.)

They can coexist but projects saved with 7.99 will not work with 7.0.x in general. And it’s 7.0.10, not 7.10.

I cannot reproduce this problem either.

Application: KiCad Schematic Editor x86_64 on x86_64

Version: 7.99.0-unknown-e8fabb58a6~176~ubuntu22.04.1, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.1
FreeType 2.11.1
HarfBuzz 2.7.4
FontConfig 2.13.1
libcurl/7.81.0 OpenSSL/3.0.2 zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.9 zstd/1.4.8 libidn2/2.3.2 libpsl/0.21.0 (+libidn2/2.3.2) libssh/0.9.6/openssl/zlib nghttp2/1.43.0 librtmp/2.3 OpenLDAP/2.5.16

Platform: Linux Mint 21.2, 64 bit, Little endian, wxGTK, X11, cinnamon, x11

Build Info:
Date: Dec 31 2023 14:35:05
wxWidgets: 3.2.1 (wchar_t,wx containers) GTK+ 3.24
Boost: 1.74.0
OCC: 7.5.2
Curl: 7.81.0
ngspice: 40
Compiler: GCC 11.4.0 with C++ ABI 1016

Build settings:

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