KiCad 7.0 Net Classes -- only GND net found

I am using KiCad 7.0. I want to use Net Classes to make wider traces for power. In examples I have found, the window in the lower right is populated with all the available nets. I create a new netclass assignment, enter the pattern, the nets that match that pattern should appear in that box. (Net Inspector shows 35 nets with the expected names.)

The only net that will pull up is GND. The power nets are +15V and -15V. Entering “+” gives “Nets matching ‘+’:” and a blank list again. It seems that generic signal nets begin “N”, which again pulls up an empty list. In the hopes that it was something stupid like white text on a white background, I tried to select the contents of that window. Nothing but the visible text “Nets matching ‘+’:”

At this stage the components have been laid out. The power and ground planes of the 4 layer board have been created. I see at the rat and the net labels on the pads.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? What is the work around?

  • do netclass assignments in schematic editor
  • have you followed the description from Schematic Editor | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad ?
  • additional netclasses (“netclass_power”) created?
  • all nets which get netclasses need real names (not the automatically generated names), so either a power symbol or a label must beplaced on that nets

in short: kicad v7 allows to assign netclasses with two different ways: graphically in the schematic editor and like older versions with the schematic-setup–>netclasses dialog.
Recommendation: decide for one of these two workflows and don’t mixup these options (will work in principle, but I’m sure it will create problems later).

  • easiest way for graphically netclass assignment: go into schematic, choose “netclass directive label” (right toolbar or main-menu–>Place–>netclass directive) and place that label connected to the desired nets.
  • easiest way for pattern-based netclass assignment: go also into schematic, click-select the desired net, RMB-click–>context-menu–>Assign netclass. This opens a dialog where you can choose the desired netclass for that net. A suitable net-pattern is generated and added in the netclass-setting. You can check if you afterwards open the schematic setup–>netclass dialog.
  • Be aware that the graphically assigned netclasses don’t show up in that netclass dialog.
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What confuses my is that I am using the KiCad provided power symbols. +15V, -15V, +6V. I’d think those count as “named” nets. But they don’t show up in the Schematic Setup>Net Classes search window. I’d think “+” would bring up +15V and +6V.

I can make it work with the graphical netclass directive. Of course as you pointed out, those don’t show up in the schematic-setup–>netclasses dialog, but they didn’t before. I’d really prefer to not do this with another flag.

I’d think those count as “named” nets

yes, they count as named nets.

But they don’t show up in the Schematic Setup>Net Classes search window. I’d think “+” would bring up +15V and +6V.

you need to add a asterisk, try: +*

Thanks. Stupid mistake for the day.

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