Kicad 7.0.1 is arriving

Downloaded my updates tonight for Ubuntu 22.04.1 and Kicad 7.0.1 was amongst everything.
I assume other OS versions are or will be available soon™.


Do you mean 7.0.0-1?

There is no 7.0.1 on the PPA repo yet, although I do see 7.0.1 has been tagged on gitlab.

Windows is there at CERN if you replace 7.0.0 with 7.0.1 in the link.

Good to know. I’m sure Ubuntu releases will be out shortly.

Update: I see 7.0.1 is currently building for Ubuntu, so barring build failiures it should be available/sync’d in a few hours.

They’ve just said on Twitter that 7.0.1 is released:

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7.0.1 has arrived in the Electronics repo of openSUSE 15.4 thanks to the volunteer packager. I ran my regular update check and there it was.

7.0.1 must have been really fresh. :open_mouth:

This morning the rest of 7.0.1 arrived in my updates: the Docs, Libraries, Templates & 7.0.1-2 testing etc.

I was just reading some release notes…
I used the 5.99 nightlies for quite a while as they progressed, then I advanced to 6.0X and I seem to be mentally stuck on that one. What I would like to know:
How do you users like 7.0X compared to 6.X?
Particularly anything noticeably better in the way schematic edits are done?
Anything else?

I wish I could remember what 6 was like. :cry:

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This blog post lists major improvements in v7:

Also note that all new development effort goes into v7. I see no reason to NOT update - unless the new 7.0.1 still has bugs which would cause issues to your projects.

Particularly anything noticeably better in the way schematic edits are done?

This blog post lists major improvements in v7: Version 7.0.0 released

The blog-post mentions the big developments. Regarding the schematic editor two small improvements are not mentioned:

  • automatic symbol annotation on every symbol insertion and copy/paste action
  • the new csv-export from symbol fields table
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Thanks all. When I moved from 5.X to the 5.99 nightlies, I remember enjoying some compelling advantages. (I do not remember what they were…does that mean something?) :frowning:

I just don’t see that here. Yes I will probably update to 7.X eventually but maybe not be in a hurry to do it.

If you will eventually upodate, why delay it? 7 is anyway better in so many ways than 5.

Thanks but I am at 6. I did go to 6 when that was released. Is there a big difference between 7 and 6?

Lots of changes Bob:

I’m learning that being on a 3rd party Linux distro like Mabox, requires package clearance through multiple channels: first Arch Linux, then Manjaro, then Mabox. Arch has had 7.0.0 support for a week or more now, and this is slowly filtering down to Manjaro. That had 7.0.0 in unstable for many days. Now 7.0.1 is in Manjaro-testing but no joy. Glad 7.0.1 is out, lots of bugfixes. Stuck on 6.0.11 due to OS for now, but checking the repos daily. :slight_smile:

P.S. A lot of folk have spent a lot of time tweaking and customizing their private libraries, and there always could be breaking changes between major versions. 7.x introduced a whole new library database system. So in other words, backup your custom libs, consider 7.0.1 a new install, and import your libraries into it. If anything implodes, you still have a backup and can downgrade if needed.

The leap from 5.1 to 6.0 is much larger than from 6.0 to 7.0.
There are some issues, especially with custom/personal ibrary migration. I’ve solved them myself, but they’re unnecessary.

Sounds like a good idea; thanks. I use my custom libraries almost exclusively.

Thanks. I am not sure why your post was truncated. But anyway I see little reason not to back up my old libraries; also little reason to hurry into this. I suspect that if many users encounter issues with the upgrade process that the devs might figure out a way to make the process easier.

It wasn’t. You need to click the “down” symbol on the right.

I have been on this forum for maybe 8 years and this is the first time I have seen that…

A post was split to a new topic: KiCad 7.0.2 is arriving