I am using Kicad 6.
I initially have a 2 layer board, then I switch to a 4 layer board to add a ground and Power plane.
After pouring copper for both GND and PWR planes, does my throught holes components automatically connect to their appropriate layers ?
How do I test the PADS of the components to validate if they DO go to the desired layer ??
Also, I can see the trace line on my PCB which I would normally use to route between two points. So I routed a short line on the to player then added a blind via to the target layer. I thought the trace line would disappear but it does not. I am supposing there is something wrong with the via.
In PCB editor, first hit “B” shortcut to re-pour all of the zones. After doing that, you can turn off visibility of anything (or everything) and look at one layer at a time to see whether a given zone is connected to a via. Here is a view of my recent 4 layer design, but with two internal layers visible. BTW this board works nicely, as intended. The rectangle toward the lower right is a quiet analog ground plane that is connected through a net tie.
I had to make a trace to connect the both components. But layer 2 is a GND plane, I dont see why I should make a trace on a ground plane !
I did push B to make a refill,
what am I doing wrong ?
The GND track is not needed as there is a ground plane. The GND track at the switch is superfluous as well. The pad will connect to the ground plane for sure.
Lots of errors because I barely started to make the traces.é
Look at first message.
I can only think my ground plane isnt working properly. Dont know how to check that.
Hey, wait a moment…
Right now I see that the via is blind/buried. Is this intentional? If so, is it a buried via? If so, it never can connect to a track on F.Cu (outer layer)
But then: blind/buried vias are no good choice unless absolutely required. Cheap manufacturers like JLCPCB cannot even do them, at least not for their prototype boards. It is a total overkill for standard boards. Cost will skyrocket.
How to replace them? Delete the blind/buried vias and place standard vias using
If placed on already routed tracks, the vias will take on the proper net.
JLCPCB makes only through vias, not blind or buried. You have to use normal through vias, and only them. You should not use blind/buried as a workaround.
All the needed layers are connected automatically by KiCad if the nets are defined properly. The number of layers doesn’t matter for normal vias: all the layers all connect in the same way. You can route the same way, and zones connect to vias according to their net.
You add a normal via which goes through the board. The via is connected to zones with the same net on all layers.
Let’s say you have an IC pad on top layer which belongs to GND. You start routing from there and add a normal via to the trace. You have also a zone belonging to GND in an inner layer, and that zone hits the via. When you refill the zone it’s connected automatically.