Kicad 6 Printing one schematic page

I’ve seen posts about the inability of Kicad 5 to print a single schematic page. Limiting printing is especially important for a hierarchical with (for example) 10 identical sub-circuits. Normally you want to print the first two pages, not all 11.

Has any workaround been introduce for Kicad 6? I cannot find any way to print a subset of pages, or even select a printer.

It appears to be possible to plot to PDF then open the PDF set various options to ensure colors are rendered on B/W laser correctly, but it is a sub-optimal process.

Are there any better work-arounds?

On what operating system are you working?

On my Linux box, my printer driver has built in options to select the page numbers I want to print.

Maybe i had to enter comma’s between 1, 4 and 65, but I use my printer maybe a few times a year on average and then also mostly not for KiCad.

The wishlist issue is here: Add option to plot each hierarchical sheet only once in eeshcema (lp:#1806172) (#2297) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab. You can vote for it by giving a thumb up.

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