KiCAD 6.0.0 PCB DRC tons of fake unconnected?

I have tons of “unconnected” on a circuit I have made previously, and even realized and it works as designed.

But since KiCAD 6.0.0, its DRC is detecting tons of fake unconnected. I couldn’t understand where they are coming from (I discovered it later. See below)

And here I got the reasons

It takes small pieces for tracks like “unconnected” … just leftovers from its own tracking. It considers as unconnected while they are.

Ok I remove them manually but when something is connected why to detect it as not-connected?

This is not an answer to your question, but you don’t have to delete those manually. Under “clean up tracks and vias” there is a setting to delete all tracks which are completely within pads.


Thank you so much. This will make my life easier indeed

V6 DRC now exposes all these redundant little track fragments

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It’s easier to spot these if you change the display mode to Pads outline + Tracks outline.


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