Kicad 5 to kicad 7 migration

Hello , im a newbie here and I was wondering what my steps would be in converting Kicad 5 projects to Kicad 7, what would my steps and process be as im doing this on Macos, windows instructions would also be helpful.

I remember that when I migrated (Windows) V5-V6 (long time ago) what I did was to open each my library and accept saving it in new format and open each my project and save it in new format.
I am using only my own libraries what probably helps. I don’t know how to change in your projects all symbols and footprints from V5 library to V6 library.
The only problem I had was that when at first run of schematic and at first run of pcb they asked if I want default library list or my library list and I wanted my library list program opened window asking to show the file containing library list but that file is in system or hidden folder and it was not shown in that window. So using external file manager I copied those files to some TMP folder and then was able to select it.
All my schematics are single sheet. I don’t know, but may be it laso helped.

All my migration V5-V6 took me something about an hour. When moving V6-V7 I had the same problem with library lists. I didn’t tried V8 yet.

I suppose what I have written is not very helpful.

KiCad V5 has [project]-cache.lib and possibly [project]-rescue.lib files. Make sure these files exist during the upgrade. In KiCad V6 and newer, the information similar to those files is saved in the schematic file itself.

After the conversion, you can delete the old files. KiCad does not do this cleanup by itself.

But always do make sure you have backups.

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