Kicad (5.1.5)-3

Another possibility:
Is it possible you installed on both PC’s from a corrupt download?

How did you install KiCad on these machines?

Fred as you can see on my files demonstrated above ia have nos line with

canvas_type= …

I installed Kicad on these machines via internet Kicad web Site

So add the line to your “eeschema” file:


if you don’t have it already.

This solutions seems to be the best one dot i eleminate the Eeschema files existing and create a new one
or just add the “canvas_type = 2” in the lines existing in the existing files ?

Just add the line on the top of “eeschema” file

Yaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooooooooooooo my problem have been resolved !!!

Fred where are you from ? I am from Québec i whoul like to send you a special thak by post :wink:

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Glad you get it working :slight_smile:

Fred where are u from ?

I have a gift to send to you :wink:

Europe, so a bit distant from Canada.
If you really feel you want to give back, consider even small donation to the project:
We all will benefit from that :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, can you now change canvas (F9, F11, F12) normally?

No pedro Eeschema still freezing when i use F11 , and dnothinf happen when i use F9 , F12

oups dnothinf = nothing

Then the problem is related to opengl. Maybe the drivers of the video card.

gnithon = fnihtond spuo?

You can also use the edit button.

ok do i update my video card driver ?

It’s a good start. Search in the internet about opengl and your video card. I’m not 100% sure the problem comes from the video card, it’s a guess. There have been some threads in this forum about opengl.

Merci beaucoup Pedro :wink: ( THanks a lot )

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