[kicad-3d-models-in-freecad] Unable to use (global name 'math' is not defined)

I’m trying to help out the librarians by attempting to improve the 3D model script generators

I have created an issue in GitHub about this but thought I’d also post here for help: https://github.com/easyw/kicad-3d-models-in-freecad/issues/373

I am on Windows 10, FreeCAD version 0.17 and cadquery_module installed from within FreeCAD.

I have opened command prompt and navigated to cadquery\FCAD_script_generator\QFN_packages and run below two commands:

taskkill -im freecad.exe /f

start "" "C:\Program Files\FreeCAD 0.17\bin\freecad" main_generator.py QFN-16-1EP_3x3mm_Pitch0.5mm

When FreeCAD opens I get below error message in the FreeCAD console:

QFN-16-1EP_3x3mm_Pitch0.5mmException while processing file: main_generator.py [global name 'math' is not defined] File format not supported: QFN-16-1EP_3x3mm_Pitch0.5mm

Is this a bug or is my configuration incorrect?


What version of the cadquerry module do you have?
What python version is used by your freecad?

My FreeCad version is 0.17

I just checked the python version within FreeCad. It is 2.7.14

I installed cadquery from within FreeCad - I’m not sure how to check the version. I read somewhere in the documentation that this is how you do it: Tools -> Addon Manager

Just a quick note in case it helps someone else: I followed advice from easyw in github and installed FreeCad 0.18 and now it works perfectly!

It appears the script is no longer compatible with Python 2 and therefore not compatible with FreeCad 0.17 and earlier.


the error you are having is related to math…
simply adding in ‘main_generator.py’ before the line:

from math import tan, radians, sqrt

the following code:
import math
from math import tan, radians, sqrt

the script will also run in FC0.17

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@maui - yes sorry I forgot to update this thread.

I created a pull request last night to fix this and other issues: https://github.com/easyw/kicad-3d-models-in-freecad/pull/374

Link to specific fix for the issue of ‘math’ not defined (I did same as you suggested above of adding import math: https://github.com/easyw/kicad-3d-models-in-freecad/pull/374/commits/23601629eaed8e6943e8d6a5f6f687ddb29e0fc1#diff-9f0f6028899f51cd72d95a19564e85c7

Note the pull request is still work in progress - please do not merge it just yet until I have completed all changes.

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