Keep DRC open when clicking on an item


this is beyond painful … constantly having to go back to the menu trying to find the option while there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to close that dialog at all

can the dev’s give us some slack please, this is absolutely counter productive


I am a bit confused.
For me, this DRC window stays open. When I single click on one of the items in the window, the PCB pans to the location of the violation and keeps the window open. A double click on an item goes to the violation and closes the dialog.

Are you using single or double clicks? Maybe there is some way to influence this behavior in the preferences too, but I’m not aware of it.

this is absolutely counter productive

A counter productive behaviour is to open a thread without giving enough context information. It’s good practice to:

  • write the used kicad version
  • mention the used OS (at least for things like this issue - which seems to be depend on the used GUI)

For most users the ERC/DRC dialog window already stays open.

On very few systems the users experienced a bug which sounds at least a little bit like your description. This bug was fixed, and the fix will be released with the next stable version v8.0.3.
The discussion to this bug: clicking on erc/drc-marker hides erc/drc-dialog behind board-window (#14356) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab
So maybe your problem is solved with the next release.

And a double click on an error or warning arrow re-opens the dialogue . . .

there is no reason to have that dialog closing, at all, no matter how many clicks

not everyone is wired the same, a better UX/UI would at least let us choose

hard to see arrows sometimes especially with big zoomed out PCB’s

and what if I like to have the list opened on a second screen, nothing beats that in terms of check list

once again , not every one is wired the same

once again , not every one is wired the same

Yes, but it’s not possible to fulfil all wishes. A GUI is always a compromise.
The current solution already allows the user to choose between-

  • leave dialog window open (with single LMB click inside DRC result window)
  • close dialog (with doubleclick inside DRC result window)

If this flexibility is not enough for you then you should open a feature request on gitlab.
I recommend to use a more polite wording than in your opening text of this thread. And describing exactly the wanted functionality - how it should work (from your point of view).

Alternatively you could upvote this issue, which requests the implementation of the drc as permanent panel: Wishlist: DRC sidebar panel (#9485) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

Also this issue promises to improve the usability of the drc dialog: DRC enhancement: filter markers to those currently visible on canvas (#5938) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

Did you figure out what was causing your dialogue to close ?

no…sometimes it also happens if I click on the pcb editor background

Hmmph, the window isn’t supposed to close when you click on a item. Works fine for me and I fixed it a few weeks ago for macOS for 8.0.3

I cannot reproduce it, it is intermittent
talking about this, I think I will switch to 8, still on 7

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Right there is the reason why it is good practice to include the version(s) you have tried along with a step description of what you did leading up to the issue.

When experiencing trouble always try the current (or at least the latest stable) release before reporting the issue - anything else is futile at best.

This general advice is almost universal.

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