Just downloaded kicad 4.0 stable, started a new project went to place a new component and there are no libraries?

The process I described works on my setup. If you have removed the missing libs, the errors should go away. Unless you have a different error.

Hi bobc,

Well I just went the long way

see my posting in the message

and now what ? :smile:

Is my work flow wrong ?

regards Rainer

OK, it runs now. Loks like I did a mistake and did not make a Netlist before associating the footprints



Thank you!

Would be nice if these were installed with the application. Or could this be added to the download page?

Linux Mint 17.3

I agree. I understand that the windows install has everything.
I have not really used kicad very much as it will not do the things that
I require in a PCB design. Ah well maybe in the next stable??

Rich klestinez

Even on Windows you have to be careful. I have been running KiCad since 4.0.0 and have just noticed that several libraries have been renamed XXX_ThroughHole to XXX_THT. As I take a copy into /users/myname/… to avoid problems writing in /Program Files, my fp-lib-table was not updated, I was missing the newer and cleaned up versions