Jlcpcb plugin

1 – Open the Kicad’s mananger page


2 – Select the “plugin and Content Mananger”


3 – Check the “Manage Repository”:


Select “+” to add a new repository and paste the follow url:

4 – Select “OK”

5 - Click, again, in “Manage Repository”: and select “Bouni’s Kicad Repository” has been added as shown in the image and press “Save”.

6 - Kicad JLCPCB tools should be displayed, so click “Install”


7 - Then click “Apply Pending Changes” at the bottom right of the screen

8![|543x291](file:///C:/Users/badan/AppData/Local/Temp/lu208322ywrvf.tmp/lu208322ywrvv_tmp_d2f8278.gif) - Installation will begin and will take a while to complete, so press “Close” when it is complete (may vary depending on environment)

We can’t see the images you linked to as they are on your PC hard drive . . . and what are you trying to ask about ? @fernandobelissimo

In case you’re wondering how to install it: go to the package manager, select the plugin and hit install

Seems to be an attempt at a howto rather than a question but missing pictures.

I’m always confused by people posting questions and then vanishing