I am wanting to send PCB Gerber’s to JLCPCB and request population of some components.

They request BOM and CPL in JLCPCB format.

I have the ZIP that is linked on their website and have an unzipped “bom2grouped_csv_jlcpcb.xsl”.

The description as to start the installation of the plugin is shown, but how do you start with that screen?

I suspect that’s from an older version of KiCad. Their website contains a lot of old and new information. One problem is one may not have xsltproc, especially on Windows, it’s not part of KiCad. It might be better to use one of the Python based plugins that others have had success with. Sorry you’ll have to search for previous posts, I haven’t used their PCBA for a while and I was doing it the long way manually.

Edit: I think bourni is the author of one, try that as a search word.

This is the repo you refer to I think

There’s another one which is in the PCM by bennymeg which would be more straightforward to install, search in the PCM. Sorry I can’t offer any opinion on which is more suitable.

Thank you for the input :slight_smile:

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