Searching through recent KiCad repositories and I found this set of tutorials by the IEEE section of UCF. One tutorial shows how to use KiCad 7.0 to design an RGB light-strip controller. It has a set of 50 slides and the design files.
Here’s some more recently-revised and unsung KiCad repos:
- edgy_boards: A collection of testable, shareable and reusable basic blocks built with KiCad.
- kicad-hs: A Haskell library for reading and writing Kicad PCB files. It also includes a handy utility for replicating parts of a layout.
kicad-skip is a new Python library focused on scripted manipulations of schematics (and other) kicad source files and allows any item to be edited in a hopefully intuitive way.
- I searched this forum and didn’t see any mention of Part-DB-server. From it’s README:
Part-DB is an Open-Source inventory management system for your electronic components. It is installed on a web server and so can be accessed with any browser without the need to install additional software.
- kicad-parts-placer is a script that lets you place components on a PCB by applying a file containing centroid coordinates. It also groups the components so you can’t accidentally change their positions with respect to one another.
Today I found:
- Project piCo: a KiCad project for a Pi Pico clone (now on version 3) with a USB-C connector.
- KiVar: a PCBNEW plugin for handling board variants through the use of variation rules embedded within symbols or footprints. (This has been mentioned on the forum a few times.)
Coincidentally, KiVar is available through the PCM since today. So everybody who needs assembly variant switching is invited to give it a try (check out the documentation first) and to discuss ideas in the issue tracker.
Thank you Dave for the mention.
- SCuM Board: I have no idea what this does. I just like the name.
- RFT-kicad-library: This is a great set of symbols and footprints if you want to practice your German.
You motivated me to have a look around on my own . Here is the result so far:
I am glad I did it. I found a few interesting nuggets actually .
I used to run PartDB, but a few years ago switched to Inventree
Does just about everything you want for a inventree management system. A bit of a learning curve but have never looked back and use it to manage all my stock and KiCad project builds.
That’s a long list! Which ones are the nuggets?
Well, I made it not-curated on purpose. Trying to depict the overall picture of what people do/need around KiCad (and even what they were doing, as there are also a few deprecated ones).
You can use filters and sorts just above the table header to digest it in smaller pieces.
As for the nuggets, I meant it for my own area of current interests ^^.
But I was surprised at how many projects out there are parsing kicad files (some bruteforcing the problem, other taking elegant approaches).
Quite a few are also trying to transfer common software practices like composition and testing (many kinds of testing! Before and after production).
There seems to be also some emulation around what I called “Code2HW” in the table (could also have called it “software-defined netlist” ). Quite a potential for things like complex parametrisation of a reusable/composable design. But to me these projects seems a bit “locked” by being all-or-nothing. Ie. not yet any hybrid way of mixing parts in schematic with parts in code.
(You seemed to have been quite prolific on these matters actually )
- PCB-Prototyping Catalog: A collection of 74 (so far) hardware electronics for Smart Devices, A.I. enabled. Designed in Kicad, and ready to download.
- KiCAD-ProcessAutomation: A set of scripts for performing various operations on KiCad projects. Would seriously benefit from a more expansive README.
- kicad_openems_pipeline: An attempt to create a pipeline for RF projects using KiCAD and OpenEMS. Uses the Antmicro
utility mentioned here.
- Awesome Electronics: Just like the name says: “a curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists”. Contains a bunch of KiCad-related stuff.
Two KiCad utilities I saw on Twitter:
Use the first utility to define a board outline. Then use the second to generate the OpenSCAD for an enclosure for the board.
- Ki365: Provide a browser-based environment for viewing, documenting, and collaborating on KiCad projects. (This seems to be an independent reboot of this previous effort.)
- ET: An ECAD-Tool for complex schematics and layouts. It has no GUI (but one is under development), so I have no idea how PCBs are designed with it. Written in Ada (yikes!).
- kicad-testpoints-pcm: This plugin generates a JigsApp compatible test point report for generating bed-of-nails testers. Similar to the CLI tool kicad-testpoints except it can be used entirely within the KiCAD user interface.
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