Issues with schematic

Hi there, I’m entirely new to this world. Ive been trying to teach myself and build my first pcb.
I’ve come across some issues when I ran ERC. Not sure they are valid, but I want to make sure everything is right before I netlist. I’m not sure what they are asking of me. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I have solved all but 1 problem?

1 You have swapped the refdes and value fields.

2 You have a dangling wire

3 Your transistor has an unconnected pin probably the same problem as 2

4 Look up PWR_FLAG in the documentation for the solution.

Also the symbol you use for ground is not the usual one. The GND inverted triangle is preferred.

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Thank you! Did I place the power flag wrong? The wire still continues to not connect…

You need it on both wires of the power source, i.e. also on the ground net.

Like this? This creates a common ground, right?

You need a PWR_FLAG on GND too.

I added the pwr flag to and and got one issue. Do I need to cut a wire?

You’ve missed the huge error that you’ve shorted the battery! (All the GNDs are effectively connected.)

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Bingo! thank you so so much

BTW, make your schematic neater by getting rid of the “dog legs”, the kinks in the wires. The draG command (hotkey G) which works on symbols and wires is worth learning. Just a cosmetic thing.

Also 4m7 means 4.7 milliohms.

Also there’s no “netlist” stage these days, just Update PCB from Schematic.

The resistor (R4) with 100 kilo bytes will help to solve that.

Edit (by hint):
In the first posting, it was R4 (there were two of them). Later on, it changed to R5.

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Haha. That was probably a vestige of swapping the refdes and value fields.

I labeled it B as there was another 100k in the circuit, guess it wasn’t necessary lol. Lots of typos in my original post :sweat_smile: I had values and designators all scrambled…

Resistor manufacturers would love you as your strategy means that all your values have to be distinct so more values to buy. :rofl:

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GUys!!! Im a newbie :joy: :joy:

Trying to learn what I can from extremely old youtube tutorials. I had no idea netlist was gone until after your help…

While you are here… what is the footprint name for a single pad with hole…?? Im struggling making my footprints :melting_face:

PCB libraries:
Connector > Pin > Single

If you need to make your own single pad with a hole:
First, you need a personal library so you are able to save your footprint.
Next, you open the Footprint Editor.
Next , you give your footprint a name.
Next, Place > Add Pad. After which go into properties of that pad and alter as you wish. eg Surface mount, Through hole, square, round etc. as well as the size.

When you have one pad to your liking, Duplicate as you need.

It’s probably worth going through the Getting Started document just in case there are any other misconceptions from ancient tutorials.


Perfect! didn’t know if there was more to it. Thank you for your help.