Issues w/ Mac OSx 11.6

Good Afternoon All,

I am having some trouble w/ being able to launch sub-applications (eeschema, pcbnew) from Finder.

If I do not have KiCad open, I get the following error:


If I do have KiCad open, the schema file opens as if it were a project file and throws the following error, for every line in the file:

file ‘filename.sch’ line n: ‘=’ expected.

I also get this same error when trying to open .kicad_pcb files:

file ‘filename.kicad_pcb’ line n: ‘=’ expected.

Any assistance w/ this would be greatly appreciated.


Juan P.

When I get very weird behavior from KiCad Mac, I try a clean config and see if that fixes things:

There is a directory called ~/Library/Preferences/kicad off of User directory (the meaning of ~ here) in finder. I usually copy it somewhere else and delete the files in it. I then restart KiCad and get back to basics.

Try that if all else fails.

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