Issue with jack footprint (error when running DRC)

I’m getting those errors:
Why is that and how can I fix it?

That’s harmless. Your part extends beyond the board edge (I assume that’s by design) so the silkscreen indicating the part outline will too. You can ignore or suppress those warnings.

My present board design has over 200 suppressed DRC warnings. Mostly about overlapping silkscreens. Every once in a while, however, you are glad that you ran the DRC because it finds something which would have made you very unhappy if it is not corrected.

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Thanks. The issue is that if I don’t fix it I can’t run the freerouting plugin. Is there a way to run that plugin without to fix the issue I warn about?

First be clear that these are warnings and not errors; am I correct?

Right click on the warning and select “suppress this warning”. Does that allow you to run the plugin?

You may also be able to delete the warning.

I don’t see why Freerouting objects to a silkscreen warning.

True, I change it back now and I don’t get any warnings now… strange.



I have added some m3 mounting holes to the pcb. Is it a good practice to make them connecting to ground? why is that?

A frequent problem with many jack footprints is that they have an edge cuts line. This is supposed to be for alignment with the board outline, but merging this into the outline exactly is fiddly to get right.

If you have a metallic enclosure, you will often want the PCB ground plane connected to the chassis, and using a mounting hole is a simple way to do that.

If the housing is plastic, it doesn’t matter, but it doesn’t hurt to the have the mounting hole grounded.

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