Issue when Swapping symbols on Schematic

There is this bug on v8.

The schematic has a feature to swap components. To do so, select 2 symbols, right-click, and select the Swap operation (with the shortcut S).

But the shortcut S creates a new Hierarchical sheet.
This overlap could work if a check to see if something is selected when using the shortcut S since the swap should not work if nothing is selected.

Could someone please report this minor bug?

I am not able to convince Gitlab I am a human =/

Hmm… I’ve suspected the same thing. Maybe time to delete this ‘bot’ account? :wink:

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Which bot account? There is just a checkbox… I did not see the login screen. This GitLab is shit. It always does this kind of thing.

I did not understand if this was meant to be fun or what. Can you please create a ticket about this issue for me? I appreciate.

I pass as a human according to Gitlab. (Others opinions may vary) :slightly_smiling_face:

The hotkey problem has been known for some time.

If you cannot get on to Gitlab to read the comments; the reason changes haven’t been applied is because those changes will mess up personal custom hotkey alterations.
Devs are waiting 'til Kicad 9 to fix the problem.

Meantime, change Sheet or Swap hotkey to something else.
There is also a problem with the double use of the P hotkey in the schematic.

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Oh, nice @jmk . That’s a really good and complete answer, thank you. I can use the functionality, it is just the shortcut that is not working. But since this is already being tracked, it is all good. Thanks.

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Note the :wink:


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