I have an unusual issue for which I am unable to resolve.
I have a PCB with three nets and seven pins for an instrument,
Net “Anet” is the overall copper pour zone for the whole PCB.
Net “Bnet” is a sub net, as is net “Cnet”.
The PCB has three separate copper pour zones, Anet, encompasses the whole board, Bnet and Cnet are required to be isolated copper pour zones within the Anet zone.
As an alternative, you can work in altium, and then later import in KiCad and verify the design before finalizing it. KiCad’s importer works quite well. The other way around has more road bumps I think. From what I heard, altium wrote an importer for KiCad V6 (maybe V7?) and did not update it and it can’t read KiCad V8 files.