Is this the correct use of the mpu6050

I was trying to find some schematics for using an mpu6050 in my project, but couldn’t find any KiCad schematics online, so decided to follow this schematic (removed the regulation circuit). Is this (image bellow), the correct way to wire it, the sda and scl line goes and connects to the rpi pico and the other points are available to be soldered to latter.

Can any one who has implemented a mpu6050 in their rpi pico projects point out anything wrong or point me to other resources or schematics, I am kind of new to pcb design. Thanks in advance for any help.

Actually this isn’t really about PCB design in KiCad which is what this forum is for, but circuit design using a particular IC, so it’s off-topic. I’ll leave this topic open for a while so that others might be able to point you to more suitable forums or design resources.

What does the datasheet tell you ? also . . .

> Note: The MPU-6050 is not recommended for new designs

Yeah. I had to pull this from moderation because the system decided the OP typed too fast to be human. :wink: I didn’t want to shut it down before it started.

OP. EEVblog is a popular site. I’m assuming this would be compatible with Arduino as well? That is a very active site for this type of design The Rasberians don’t have their own forum?

We try and keep this site about using Kicad specifically rather than fragment and get too off topic. There are plenty of sites about project design already.

Here’s my usage of MPU-6050… I use them for Leveling DOB Telescope Base’s.

Hooked up to Arduino Nano. I don’t bother with Schematic for this simple design. Have made quite a few of them. You can see and infer how a Schematic would be wired from the screenshot of PCB…

Code is set to 0.5 deg position change (and my hand movement isn’t so refined so not easy to catch video…

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