I have encountered the following issue:
I created a hierarchical sheet with a schematic that corresponds to a separate PCB, which is part of a larger project. This schematic uses symbols from the ‘power’ library, such as GND, +5V, and +3.3V. Since I need two identical PCBs, I copied the hierarchical sheet and used an external plugin, Replicate Layout, to create the same layout that I had already designed.
However, the problem is that the power symbols create nets between these two separate schematic sheets, and as a result, the nets appear in the PCB editor:
Is there a way to create local power symbols to avoid linking between sheets, without renaming each power symbol in each copy of the schematic? I know that local labels could work as needed, but they reduce the readability of the schematic, and I would prefer to use the exact power symbols instead.
I’ve never tried it, but what about labeling one 5aV and the other 5bV?
The real problem is Kicad is one schematic and one PCB per project, so once you deviate from that, there are compromises needed.
Just ignore the ratlines?
I know that this might sound rude, but I don’t mean it that way!
Just order two PCBs, problem solved. You can’t have two separate PCBs in one layout. This is a manufacuring “problem”. And it is handled by defining a panel (if you need to).
as a solution to this OP … maybe
as a solution to the initial question (ignoring the x-y problem) no.
means to change the scope of rail symbols would be extremely useful for say… gate-drives in a 2l or 3l converter. Right now I use net labels but they do not have the same visual queues that power symbols have
Yeah , it can be, but i need to rename label value for each symbol on schematic and for each copy of schematic and ignoring will cause to errors in DRC.
A couple of comments:
You mention that these boards are part of a bigger project. I assume this means more PCBs, so why do these two need to be in the same file? Are their two identical schematics in this one file?
If the two boards must be on the same sheet, and if these power connections between the two PCBs show as DRC errors, does it matter? Will Kicad go hysterical and refuse to finish the project? DRC is only a prompt to draw your attention to possible errors. If you consider any DRC errors to be inconsequential to your design you can always ignore those errors.
Yeah, you’re probably right that I’d better separate each board separately plus I just noticed that here when creating a hierarchy sheet you can link to other projects and generally it may solve all the problems. I also just thought that for each sheet with a schematic you can make a separate board, but apparently it was not provided by the functionality of the program. But just not sure if I can fit all the boards at once on the 100x100mm to order everything at once.
These small boards are only a part, there are several others and I wanted to put them all in a 100x100 mm layout to order and then later cut them myself, so it is cheaper than if you order each design separately, but you need something you can cut fairly accurately.