Is there any schematic symbol for images?


Is there any out-of-the-box symbol that I can use to represent images in the PCB layout?


I don’t like having to add exceptions to the DRC warnings (I know I shouldn’t care, but I guess this is a scarf of being a software engineer for way too many years :upside_down_face: )

My boards are always 1-1 with the layout, so for me is not a problem to add things into the schematic that do not have an electronic representation (like mounting holes, etc)


Just make one up, can be as simple as a box with the text “Image” on it or be more descriptive. Just noticed there is an Easter Egg symbol in the Graphics category in symbols. :smile:

@retiredfeline I have been staring to every icon for the last 30 minutes and cannot see anything easter-egg like!

(curiosity is killing me)

At least in v7.0.5 there’s Graphic → SYM_EasterEgg_…

Just type Easter into the Filter box and there it is.

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