I am looking to view the board from other angles. I don’t want to rotate the board, so it will interfere with the placement of the items which in turn will mess with the versioning of the board.
Not that I know.
(20 characters a line - makes forty in two - how man in the third?)
Depending on what you want to see, use the 3D viewer with or without the 3D models.
I want to see the layout (not the 3d view) to route the board looking for different angles.
For instance, I have this project where the Board is a Rectangle, that has the biggest length vertically (so the layout and also the text next to the layout) fit the same page. The monitor has the biggest length horizontal. Then to avoid screwing with the versioning system, being able to rotate the sheet would be a nice feature. It would work as the existing feature to mirror the sheet. Mirroring the sheet is an interesting feature to see the board from a different angle… from the other side of the board while keeping the text readable.
I’m confused about what you want - perhaps all you’re looking to do is Rotate the Page(?) if so, a simple way is to change from Landscape to Portrait in the Page Settings…
Example shows a PCB off center so when changing, it stays where positioned relative to the Page’s Origin at top Left…
Followup over hot coffee… you can Group the full contents then, Rotate …
I’m confused about what you want
I too think the thread-title is misIeading, i guessed that the Op wanted a temporarily rotated canvas-view (like the “mirror board” view) and have redirected him to an older feature-request on gitlab: Implement "Rotate canvas (view)" (#11672) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab
Yes, this is right. This is what I want to rotate.
I am looking for a way to rotate the whole view, without changing components placement. In other words, rotate the view to work having a different view but without having the positions of the components of the layout changed inside the kicad_pcb file.
Yeah I want to rotate the sheet, but the components have to remain in their fixed position with respect of the sheet. Like when you have a .pdf and rotate it to read it from a different angle.
In other words. Rotate the view, as @mf_ibfeew said.
Dangerous. Components end up being off-grid ever so often…
Why? The grid has to rotate together, come on. What I am asking is like rotating the screen in front of you. Everything should remain in its relative place.
You might have noticed I answered to BlackCoffee and didn’t refer to your post…
No, otherwise I would not have answered.
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