Is there a simple way to return working in KiCad and keep the launched plugin application open?

I made a repository on which contain some scripts and a (Windows only) script interpreter.

The purpose of the repository is matching schema components with stock components in PartKeepr and reporting those together. It is also possible to automatically add the schema components to a PartKeepr project. Matching is done differently for different component kinds.

When designing in KiCad I use it to quickly check how much (for example) resistors I have on stock for a certain value, power rating etc.

After running the interpreter via BOM plugin with cmd.exe /c start … I would like to keep this application open. But KiCad keeps waiting for it to close (“hangs”), eventhough it is launched by an intermediate process cmd.exe which is closed directly.

Is there a simple way to return working in KiCad and keep the launched plugin application open?

I thought of a work around. Instead of using cmd.exe as an intermediate process, I used powershell.exe like this:

powershell.exe -command Start-Process -FilePath "Path\XMLScriptInterpreter.exe" -Argument '\"Path\Generate BOM.xml\" /var BomFilename \"%I\" /var ProjectDirectory \"%O\" /Execute'

The BOM report also shows the maximal current and voltage of resistors by a certain powerrating (1/4 Watt for example). So now it is easy to check which resistors might be overpowered and do some extra calculations when needed.

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