Is There a Preference to Turn Off Double-Click Actions?

I found myself frustrated in KiCAD 8 this weekend when my inadvertent double clicks while moving traces around manually opens the “Track & Via Properties” dialog, which I almost never want. I then have to hit the ESC key to back out, but I’m moving so quickly, it’s a frustration.

Is there a preference somewhere to turn off “Double Click on a Track/Via to open Properties” option?

Alternately, would changing the double click time in the system mouse settings help?

You can shorted the double click time in your system mouse settings. This will change what KiCad thinks is two clicks vs a double-click.

There is not a preference to disable the properties window for this.

If you don’t want a double click, then don’t double click. It’s similar to don’t stand in a river when you want to keep your feet dry.

But it’s sometimes easier said then done. I have a repair coming up because my mouse buttons started giving intermittent contacts lately, and it’s slowly getting worse.

Adjusting the double click speed to your own work speed is also something that can help.

Thanks, Seth_h. I will do that.

Ha! Really, you’re going to play the “Doctor, my arm hurts when I…” routine?

Seriously, thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check the system settings. Could be a hypersensitive switch in the mouse, or it could be an early onset palsy of some sort.

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