Is there a hard limit on symbol or footprint names in KiCad?

Hello, all. Is there a maximum limit to symbol or footprint name length? I mean in KiCad itself - I understand that operating systems have maximum fully specified filename length limits (i.e., including the path), but are there any such limits in KiCad itself?

Obviously they become cumbersome after some point, but I want to make sure as I am setting up the naming convention for my company’s use of KiCad (we cannot use the community libraries for a variety of reasons), I want to make sure that I am not setting up rules that are incompatible with the limits of KiCad.

They will in general need to be named something that can be saved as a filename on your chosen operating system.

So would it be safe to say one would hit the OS limit before any KiCad limit?

Your question for long names implies you want to encode lots of data in those names. You also write you want to set up your own libraries for your company.

Combined: KiCad supports integration with database driven libraries, in which all part information is saved and maintained inside the database. And as a database, it can also hold extra information, from tolerances, manufacturer ordering numbers, suitable replacement parts and anything else you put in the database.