I’m trying to make a footprint in the footprint editor using v4.0.0-rc2-stable. I have gone to Dimensions -> User Grid Size and have set my Size X and Size Y to 25 mils. After clicking OK, the actual grid spacing does not change. Actually, it doesn’t change no matter what I have tried.
What I see (and this could be user error or lack of understanding) is that no matter what units I pick in User Grid Size, the grid size remains the same. If I set my grid size to 0.025 for X and Y and click Inches, I would expect the cursor to snap to the dots in 0.025" increments, as long as I have “In” selected in the left toolbar. What I see is that I always get 0.1 increments if I select “mm” (or 0.003937 in inches) from the left toolbar.
What I expect is to be able to select Dimensions -> User Grid Size -> Inches, then set Size X and Size Y to 25 mils. Then after clicking “In” from the left toolbar and snapping to the grid dots, I should see increments of 0.025, and the units in the status bar should say “Inches”.
The current behavior is bizarre to me and seems unusable. Is anyone else experiencing this?