what is the state of the Archlinux nightly package repository the latest nightly there is 7.99? What is the best way to test nightly builds on Archlinux?
what is the state of the Archlinux nightly package repository the latest nightly there is 7.99? What is the best way to test nightly builds on Archlinux?
Excuse me, but aren’t Arch Linux users expected to know how to modify the port files?
I am not an Arch user, but:
I don’t know the status of that repository. Arch is not one of the Linux distributions actively maintained by the KiCad team.
As far as I know, the way to get KiCad nightly builds on Arch is to use this: AUR (en) - kicad-nightly
The problem is not that I’m not able to modify the build files, or make it from AUR, but to build kicad takes me around two hours during which the computer is completely unusable, so it is not very inviting experience.
Actually I get to the repository from that AUR page you are linking, and it seems that the repository is part of the kicad project… Anyway, I have already posted on AUR and will also ask directli in the repo.