Is any way to swap right and center mouse button in Eescheme Editor?

Hi all.

is any way to swap right and center mouse button in Eescheme Editor?

Not in KiCad itself. There may be some system level way to swap buttons, depending on your OS etc.

Do you have some specific need? What is difficult now, what you would want to do?

a matter of habit, in all programs in which I worked before (for example, Altium) dragging a sheet occurs when the right mouse button is held down

The development version 5.99 works that way and there’s more customizability, it will be in the 6.0 release later, but not in v5.

i hope this release will be soon.

Unfortunately probably not, maybe next year.

Todays computer mice are a short circuit for muscle memory. I recently went back working with SolidWorks and the wheel direction for zoom is opposite …

That is why, I believe, it will be correct to embed mouse control settings into the software.

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