Inverted clock graphic style not displaying

I’m using the Symbol Editor in KiCad 5.1.4 and noticed that the “inverted clock” graphic style is not displaying correctly. When inverted clock is selected, the pin looks no different than the default “line” graphic style. This is also true when an instance is created in Eeschema.

I verified that the “IC” flag is getting set in the .lib file, so it’s just a matter of displaying the pin correctly.

There are some code pieces missing. That dot simply does not get drawn. Will be fixed in some later releases. How do I know. I fixed it with an ‘inhouse’ source code patch until it’s officially taken care of.


I am sure you’re right. That seems to be what’s happening.

I forgot to mention that the inverted clock symbol does display properly when you print the schematic.

That’s because there are different software sections that render data for display purposes.

It’s as of right now actually three different software segments.

  • one for Eeschema on the screen
  • one for that small display when editing Pin Properties
  • one for plot file rendering

They are all slightly different to properly accommodate the output to render.

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