Internal representation of zones

I figure I’d start a new topic (instead of “hijacking” the related thread Odd behaviour when making a "large pad / zone" out of traces).

Looking at the zone’s representation in the .kicad_pcb file, there is polygon, and there is filled_polygon.

What exactly is filled_polygon? I figured it would be the polygon representing the “rendered” actual filled zone, taking into account the corner smoothing that one indicates (and clearances, I guess?). But the corners don’t really match. Even more strangely, I set the corner smoothing to None, and then the filled_polygon has the same number of vertices as the polygon — but they are not the same points (so, what’s up with that!). Example:

        (xy 30.36 32.31) (xy 46.11 32.31) (xy 46.11 43.61) (xy 30.36 43.61)
        (xy 45.983 43.483) (xy 30.487 43.483) (xy 30.487 32.437) (xy 45.983 32.437)

How would I go about changing the coordinates of the polygon’s vertices? (you know, as a workaround for the lack of “Properties” dialog to manually edit the positions of a zone’s corners) Is it safe to just change the coordinates of the polygon part? (then re-open the file in KiCAD and let pcbnew recalculate the filled_polygon?)


KiCad’s file formats are described in:
Direct PDF link:

Yes. But make a backup before hand-editing.

Well, I normally make a backup before any editing :slight_smile: (unless I’m handling the partiular project through git, which I do for most projects I work on, then at the end of each work session I create a directory backup-yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMS and run cp * backup-...HHMMSS/

Thanks for the tip!

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