Interactive Html Bom Plugin for KiCad

This was working fine in 6.0.5 but in 6.0.6 it throws an error complaining about bitmap types. It might just be me of course.

Just 3 posts above yours.

Thanks. The first thing I did was update to the latest version, uninstall, re-install, but the problem persisted. However, on a reboot of the machine today it now works.

This is odd, but it might be because the files are not local to this machine but are on my OneDrive, so there may be a sync issue.

If you already had pcbnew open when you did the package changes then you need to restart kicad or do Tools->Reload plugins in pcbnew to pick up changes.

Hey @qu1ck. I was having a look at the json embedded in the generated html file. I’m seeing a lot of this kind of data structure in drawings>silkscreen>F / B etc:

          "thickness": 0.127,
          "svgpath": "M149.410542,108.511171L149.410542,109.004657L149.439571...",
          "ref": 1

Looking at in the repo I was trying to work out what these were. I’m assuming text, but was wondering why there is no type attribute associated with these unlike the other drawing primitives?

Great plugin, many thanks!

Yes, it’s text. The internal data format will not win any prizes for being well structured, it evolved together with KiCad starting from v4 and had to maintain backward compatibility.

In the v4/v5.1 days text was a separate animal from all the geometric shapes because it had much different and complex rendering logic. It also had explicit “text” attribute with the actual string text. Since v6 it’s replaced with svg path rendering and doesn’t look much different than say polygons type. But it still doesn’t have it’s own “type” for legacy reasons. And it’s fine as long as it’s the only one without a type.


Many thanks for the reply @qu1ck, much appreciated :pray:.


Version 2.6 is available in plugin manager and for direct download from github.

This release has compatibility fixes for KiCad 7.0.1 and current nightly, improves support for Eagle/Fustion360, adds support for AllegroPCB.

New features:

  • links are made clickable in bom field values.
  • option to offset back layer rotation to make it look flipped “vertically” as opposed to “horizontally”.

Very handy. I had used the previous version, I’ll definitely update. Is the new version still compatible with KiCad v6?

It’s still compatible with kicad v4 :smiley:

But this will probably be the last version maintaining compatibility with v4 and v5.1.

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Thanks. But although it updated no problem in v7, in v6 the update actually doesn’t appear in the PCM, so we can’t update, at least not from the PCM. So, still on 2.5 on v6 for now.
(Maybe we can update manually from file though, haven’t tried. But the PCM doesn’t propose the update. That said, maybe v6 is considered EOL now and they won’t offer any further update in the PCM?)

Update feature in PCM is new in v7. In v6 uninstall and reinstall new version.

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Oh, thanks. Yes that works fine.
Guess we’re getting spoiled by the new v7 features.

I can’t resist to say a HUGE thank you for your work! This BOM is exactly what I want and need.
Oh, I forgot: Works great on my Mac too!

Also a big thank you for all the KiCAD supporters. I donated a generous amount for my most beloved CAD. I switched yers ago from a paid version of EAGLE and I never looked back.



Awesome plugin. I will use it to assemble my board. One feature that would be useful is in the grouped bom setting , an extra column that can be edited by the person doing the assembly. It would be used to locate the component among the many compartments that store the parts. for example , the 100nf 0402 are in box A compartment 1, the 10 nf 0603 in box A compartment 2 etc. those plastic boxes are inexpensive and have often 15 to 20 compartments

You can do that by setting up an extra field with your component location info in eeschema, updating pcb and then enabling that field in ibom config.


thank you . works very well

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Version 2.7.0 released and is available in the plugin manager.

This will be last release supporting python 2 and kicad 5.1 (at least on windows).

New features:

  • Option to highlight pin 1 only on currently chosen component row
  • Reset config button in export menu
  • Configurable net colors in netlist bom mode

Hello. Please let me know how to resolve this event.
I put a checkbox in a part with a newly set field as an extra field.
However, when I check the output html, I see that the newly set field has been created, but no data is set in it.
Please help me, I would appreciate it.

Additional information.