Interactive HTML BOM issue with Kicad8 Back side Silkscreen

There’s something weird with Interactive HTML Bom when used with Kicad8.
The issue is related to Silkscreen images placed on the Back side of the board.
It seems that the coordintates system is wrong for these items, and Back side silkscreen graphics is located in weird places for HTML preview. Front side graphics is OK, back side silkscreen text is also OK.
Attached is example project that produces this wrong output. I’m on current Kicad8 testing build, using current iBOM from PCM.
For Kicad7 it was all right in this regards.

See the attached HTML output, Back view shows Silkscreen label far away (north-east) from the PCB area while the design have both Front+Back labels contained within the board area.
The position is affected by PCB location over the drawing area.

test_htmlbom.kicad_pcb (14.1 KB)

ibom.html (168.0 KB)

I’m pretty sure I fixed that just days ago Fix polygons inside footprints for kicad 8 · openscopeproject/InteractiveHtmlBom@002d627 · GitHub
Get latest from github or wait for next release.


Thanks, after update all seems to work OK.