Interactive BOM Plugin invocation by script

I really love the Interactive BOM Plugin! It’s an incredible feature that all my colleagues (they still use other Layout software) envy me for.

To satify the demands of our production I have created a batch file calling kicad-cli several times to generate fab files. There is an option to also generate BOM output by kicad-cli sch export python-bom.
It seems it is calling some python script.

I would like to know if it would be possible to invoke the interactive BOM plugin by modifying python-bom or calling a separate program.

Take a look at this post… perhaps you’ll get some idea’s…

And if all else fails, the author of that plugin is an active member on this forum, maybe not today though. :slightly_smiling_face:
Hello @qu1ck

Interactive Html Bom supports CLI usage out of the box.


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