Install Kicad 4 in debian Jessie

Hi all, as the title says I am trying to install debian Kicad Jessie . Although the oficial link says it’s repositories , it is in an old version . I tried with a * .deb packages but I generates errors . As I can do to install?

The KiCad download page says that the 4.0.0 RC1 version is available in debian sid (debian unstable). Apparently it is also available in debian stretch (debian testing).

You can see the different KiCad versions available in Debian here:
(do you need an explanation of Debian version names?)

Your Debian version is Jessie (debian stable). which unfortunately only has a KiCad version from 2014.

Your solutions are:

  • Pinning a Stretch version in Jessie, which is summarised as “disadvantages of stable + disadvantages of unstable/testing”

  • Backports : Unfortunately there are no KiCad backports for Jessie.

  • Update your whole system to debian stretch (debian testing).

Ok, thanks caer. which of the three methods you recommend me?

4.0.1 The use of kicad is not a whim I miss several pcb with the new version and the previous version is not working me for these projects.

I install kicad with ubuntu ppa repositorys
I installed it follows , is not whether it is correct:

apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties

add-apt-repository --yes ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-4

apt-get update

nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/js-reynaud-kicad-4-jessie.list

in this file i edit Jessie for vivid

deb vivid main

apt-get install kicad

very easy :sunglasses:

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This thread is fairly old, just stumbled on it in the “suggested topics” at the bottom and wanted to add my 2 cents …

I’m running Debian 8 (“Jessie”) for my work desktop, so had the same problem but did not want to add the PPA to the list of repositories.

To solve this, go to the PPA at When you click on “View package details” it is possible to browse the files. From there I just pull the .deb file built for Ubuntu 14.04 and install it with

sudo dpkg --install ./nameofthekicaddebyoujustpulled


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